Rowing against the Tidal Wave: Exposing Injustice in an Age of Chaos

My purpose for my first book and this blog has always been to shine a light on the everyday injustices that Americans face: the systemic failures, the manufactured inequalities, and the deliberate policies designed to keep power concentrated in the hands of the few at the expense of the many. But Trump has bulldozed his way into this narrative, not as an unfortunate footnote in America’s ongoing decline, but as an outright accelerant to its collapse.

It’s been ten days—just ten days—and already the democratic framework that once pretended to hold this country together is unraveling at breakneck speed. I do not use the term dictatorship lightly, but what else do we call it when a leader sidesteps the entire legislative process, signing executive orders with reckless abandon and consolidating power with an efficiency that would make Orwell himself do a double take? Where, exactly, are these legendary checks and balances we were all taught to believe in? Where is this glorious democracy that was supposedly impervious to the whims of a tyrant?

In just over a week, we’ve witnessed blatant authoritarian overreach: executive orders slashing education funding for schools that dare to teach histories and ideas Trump finds inconvenient, gag rules muzzling federal agencies, immigration policies that echo the xenophobic playbook of history’s worst regimes. The fascist steamrolling of the last remaining threads of American democracy is happening in real-time, and it demands ten of me—no, a hundred of me constantly dissecting, critiquing, and calling out every single infraction. But lo and behold, there is just one of me, trying to push back against a tidal wave of disinformation, cruelty, and regression.

And so, I find myself at a crossroads. Do I shift my focus entirely to documenting Trump’s every calculated move to dismantle what little remains of our institutions? Or do I continue highlighting the broader injustices that have plagued this nation long before he descended that gold-plated escalator? The struggle is real. I don’t want my work to become an obsessive catalog of one man’s delusions of grandeur, but ignoring the fact that he is actively following the Nazi playbook to entrench himself as dictator-for-life would be an act of negligence.

I will do my best to balance my critique and avoid succumbing entirely to the orange authoritarian vortex, but I ask for patience if the focus inevitably drifts there. These are, after all, unprecedented times (and if one more person reminds me of that, I just might scream). When do we get to return to precedented times? When do we stop being a nation that lurches from one catastrophe to the next, held hostage by the reckless ambitions of power-drunk men?

I don’t have that answer. But I do know this: silence is not an option.


Fascism on Steroids: Trump’s Speedrun to Tyranny


Why Congress Fails to Represent the People